Texas Brain Injury Lawyers

Texas Traumatic Brain & Head Injury Lawyers

Michael Francis - Personal Injury Lawyer specialized in Car Accident and ruck Accidents
Michael Francis, Texas Brain Injury Attorney

Did you or someone you love suffer an accidental brain injury? The CDC reports that 1.5 million Americans survive a brain injury per year. If it happens to you, it could be a challenging, expensive time. Many brain injury victims cannot work, go to school, or take care of their daily needs. In addition to pain and discomfort, you need to worry about medical bills and getting to necessary medical appointments.

If another person or entity was liable for your brain injury, the financial costs should not belong to you. Instead, the responsible party should pay. To be sure you get the help you need, The Francis Firm is ready to fight for your rights. Contact an experienced Texas brain injury lawyer today.

Traumatic Brain and Head Injury Overview

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an accident-related injury to the brain. It is caused by an external force that may affect your cognitive, social, psychological, and physical functioning. The more serious the brain injury, the more it may affect your life permanently.

What Are Brain Injury Symptoms?

After the accident, you could be unaware you or your loved one injured their brain. If there is no external wound, it may be impossible to tell at first there was an injury. You need to look for symptoms of a brain injury, which are:

  • Headache
  • Feelings of disorientation and confusion
  • Difficulty walking and maintaining balance
  • Feeling drowsy
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Dilation of one or both pupils
  • Seizures
  • Personality changes
  • Unusual or inappropriate behavior

Brain injury can manifest in these and other ways. After the accident, you should watch for behavior changes in yourself or someone else. Be sure to go to the ER immediately to check whether you think you are hurt or not. This is especially important if you suspect a brain injury caused by a blow to the head or loss of oxygen.

What Cases Does A Brain Injury Lawyer Handle?

A Texasbrain injury attorney handles many types of brain and head trauma cases. Your attorney knows the medical terminology and case value of the following types of head injuries:

  • Hemorrhage
  • Hematoma
  • Concussion
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Open or closed head injury
  • Anoxic or hypoxic brain injury

If you think you or your loved one suffered one of these brain injuries due to no fault of your own, a Texas brain injury lawyer can help.

What Will A Dallas Brain Injury Attorney Do For You?

Brain injuries can affect your or a loved one’s life. Even a ‘minor’ blow to the head can disable you with memory loss, dizziness, headaches, and speech problems.

In addition, brain injury medical care is expensive. The many doctors, procedures, diagnostic tests, and brain scans you may need can run tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. So how will you or your loved ones shoulder those high costs?

If the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, a skilled brain injury attorney in Dallas and Fort Worth might be able to get you compensation. If you hire The Francis Firm, they can:

Collect Accident Evidence

Do you want the lawsuit to get you the money you need to recover and survive financially? It is not enough to say someone caused your injury. It must be proven with evidence.

The skilled brain injury attorneys at The Francis Firm know where and how to find conclusive evidence. We’ll interview accident witnesses, obtain medical or police reports, and whatever other evidence is needed to prove the case.

Negotiate With Insurance Companies

As the brain injury case proceeds, you’ll be contacted by the other party’s insurance company. They will probably want to settle the case to avoid costly litigation. Unfortunately, early settlement offers are usually a fraction of the brain injury case’s value. Therefore, to get you fair compensation, aggressive negotiation may be necessary.

Skilled and experienced brain injury lawyers have negotiated fair settlements with many stingy insurance companies across Texas. We know how to encourage insurance providers to be more reasonable with a settlement offer. It helps when the insurance company knows we can take a case to court and win.

Handle Paperwork

Brain injury claims are complex and come with a lot of paperwork. There can be weeks and months of administrative work, whether it’s answering insurance questions or submitting medical reports to the court. To handle these almost-constant documentary needs, you need a skilled brain injury legal team.

Experienced paralegals and administrative assistants support the brain injury lawyers at The Francis Firm. We will manage all the paperwork to ensure everything is handled correctly to get you the most money.

What Are The Long-Term Effects Of A Brain Injury?

If it’s a severe brain injury, you could have life-long consequences that need appropriate compensation. The specific effects depend on the severity and location of the injury, but you could have:

  • Anxiety, depression, and PTSD
  • Loss of vision or hearing
  • Damaged motor skills
  • Reduced speech and reasoning ability
  • Changed behavior

When your life is turned upside down with a brain injury caused by negligence, it’s vital to hold the liable party accountable.

A Brain Injury Attorney Can Assist With Medical Care

A Texas brain injury attorney may help you obtain compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and rehabilitation. However, many brain injury victims do not realize that getting medical care after an accident can be difficult. Why?

Some brain injury specialists may be reluctant to take on a personal injury claim. These cases may involve months of litigation. The doctor may need to wait a long time to be paid for their life-saving work.

A brain injury lawyer regularly works with medical professionals in the Dallas and Fort Worth area. They may establish an agreement to get you the care you need without upfront cost to you. In addition, the medical professional is compensated when the case settles.

Talk To A Dallas Brain Injury Lawyer Today

The Texas personal injury attorneys at The Francis Firm have years of experience representing injured clients. We help brain injury clients obtain the financial compensation they need to recover and move forward with life. When you hire our brain injury attorneys to fight for you, there are no legal fees unless you win. So let our Dallas personal injury trial attorneys get you the help you need. Contact us today.