Mistakes to Avoid After a Car Accident

December 8, 2024 | By Francis Injury: Car & Truck Accident Lawyers
Mistakes to Avoid After a Car Accident

Car accidents often happen unexpectedly, sometimes leaving victims severely hurt and, in extreme cases, causing fatalities. If you’ve been involved in an accident, you know how stressful it can be, and the details quickly fade from memory. That said, the steps you take after the accident can significantly influence whether you can recover damages for your injuries.

After being in a serious car accident, victims need time to recover. Still, insurance representatives may start calling, making the whole process overwhelming. It is easy for victims to make mistakes that may impact their chance of recovering damages.

Talking to a qualified car accident attorney before recounting the events to the insurance companies would be best. An attorney will offer legal guidance to help you avoid the most common mistakes car accident victims make.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Aftermath of a Car Accident

Car accidents can be overwhelming, and you can never be prepared enough for the panic that will likely set in when you survive a collision. While it helps to follow road safety and traffic rules, accidents are unpredictable and can happen to anyone, so ensure you are always ready to deal with the aftermath.

Common mistakes to avoid after a car accident include the following:

Apologizing or Admitting Fault to the Other Driver

While saying “sorry” to the other party involved in the accident might seem polite, do not say it. An apology can be interpreted as admitting liability in a car accident, so it is best to let your Dallas car accident lawyer establish the liable party. Even if you are certain that you are fully to blame or are partially at fault for the accident, do not admit liability to the other party.

Not Getting Medical Attention

Most victims fail to receive immediate medical attention after a car accident. Even if you have no visible injuries and feel alright after an accident, you must get a complete body checkup to confirm that you have not sustained any internal injuries.

Failure to seek immediate medical attention can harm your health and make it challenging to recover compensation when you file your claim. Learn more about why seeking medical attention is critical to your case.

Remember to keep records of your medical treatment since they will be useful when filing your lawsuit.

Not Contacting the Police

Most car accident victims forget to call the police to report the incident. Do not leave the accident scene without calling the police so they can take your statement. When they arrive at the scene, they will typically take statements from the involved parties, carefully inspect the damage, and then file a car accident report, which will be helpful when you file your claim. Learn more about how police investigations work.

Failure to Collect Evidence

Another of the most common mistakes victims make after a car accident is failing to gather evidence. After contacting the police, collect as much evidence as possible from the accident scene. Take pictures and videos of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and your injuries, if any.

Ensure you get all witnesses' phone numbers, names, and addresses. Get the other driver’s insurance policy information, contact information, and license number, making it easy to track them down when you file your claim. Learn about what evidence is most effective.

Accepting the First Settlement Offer

Insurance companies do not like paying victims their full damages, or any damages for that matter. They will attempt to resolve the case by offering you the lowest compensation possible. Most car accident victims accept the first offer presented because they have no experience negotiating with insurance companies and are unaware of their rights.

An attorney will review your case and negotiate with the insurance companies on your behalf, ensuring that you recover the best possible compensation. For more information on this process, read about dealing with insurance adjusters.

Not Hiring a Lawyer

You must hire an experienced lawyer after being in a car accident. A skilled lawyer will offer sound legal counsel, help you navigate the claims process, and ensure you recover maximum damages while receiving proper medical care from a qualified physician. Learn why hiring a lawyer benefits your case.

Talk to an Attorney Today and Avoid Costly Car Accident Claim Mistakes

Dealing with insurance companies after a severe car accident can be draining and frustrating. This is why most victims choose not to pursue a car accident claim to avoid this hassle.
